Design Interiors
Design Interiors
Curtains and Blinds
Curtains and Blinds

Courses Calendar
Thursday 18th October Roman Blinds -One day £95
Saturday 27th October Roman Blinds - One day £95
Thursday 8th November Introduction to Curtain making - One day £95
Thurs 15th November Introduction to Curtain making - One Day £95
Saturday 24th November Basic Cushion Making - Half Day £50
Thursday 6th December Getting to know your Sewing Machine - One Day £95
Thursday 13th December Roman Blinds - One Day £95
Thursday 3rd and 4th January 2013 Advanced Blind Making - Two days £180
Saturday 19th January Introduction to Curtain making - One Day £95
Thursday 7th February Interlined Curtains with Hand sewn Headings - Two days £180
Saturday 16th February Advanced cushion Making - One Day £95
(If you can't make one of the course dates we can arrange 'one to one' technical help by appointment so that you can progress with your projects on your own. Cost £25 per hour)
(please call 01903 873769 or 07803165348 for more details)
or email for a booking form s.taghioff@ntlworld.com